This book was dubbed as best stand-alones of 2018 and that alone made me buy it. To start of with, this is a re-telling of Little Mermaid. While I’m not a big fan re-tellings I do appreciate well written ones.
This book, however, didn’t meet my expectations. The world building was not detailed enough, it felt as if I’m drawing from another source; Disney’s Little Mermaid. Most descriptions and places were handed to us at point blank, I felt there was no further deeper development or explanation as to how it came to be or why is it the way it is.
The characters were interesting but only at the start. As the story progresses, my feeling for them don’t. After the half-mark, the story became a bit slow, and felt to drag as the characters didn’t live up to the ‘introduction’ they got in the first-half of the book and the expectations they had evoked. My barely remember any side characters. Most characters who were introduced or interacted with the MCs didn’t add much to the plot itself.
The writing was okay-ish, and story was paced well enough, but my overall enjoyment didn’t last very long.
Overall 3 stars out of 5. Recommended to anyone who enjoys re-tellings or wants a quick day’s read.