Gilded Rose is a beauty and the beast re-telling, and that’s why, of course I just had to read it! I found this on Kindle Unlimited and read it immediately.
Amicia is strong and willful character. She stays true to her character and decisions until the very end. The beast – or the King of Dreads (named Alexandre) is a typical monster who grows a soft spot for Amicia.
The dual POV story paces really well and the suspense is built around the curse of the dreads. I liked the addition of the Alchemists and Celestials and would read book 2 if it contains more about them.
However, some character incentives and magic systems are not explained well. (i.e. why did Alexandre throw her off the roof? How did Amicia’s father knew so much about Magic/Dreads? Who/What are the Alchemists and how did the come to be?).
Also, we don’t see much of any side characters, except only Bernard. The end felt rushed and slightly off-plot.
Overall, it was an enjoyable, quick read. 3.5 out of 5 stars.